Saturday, Farewell

Saturday, Farewell

This day is one of packing, double checking, performances, and farewells. We have been welcomed into two homes this past week, moving naturally from door to door.

We were part of a small clan, focused on family, food, and music. Each year, this week is such a treat. No matter what goes on in the outside world, here it is beauty. A week of practice and discipline: music and art, kindness and cooperation. Skills to apply as we move out into the broader world.

That is the real training that takes place within this method of learning. While most personal, always the underlying awareness that it is how you move in the world, and how you affect others along your path. We all leave wakes that intersect. We can either bouy each other up, or put others at risk in the undertow.  

My thanks to Paki and Bill, Barb and Mark, Rachel, Tracy and Roseanne, Donovan, Ramona, Reyna and Mave. It was a beautiful week. Cheers, to next year.